What is it?
Bucks Domestic Abuse Services have created a Flexible Fund to support people experiencing domestic abuse who reside in Buckinghamshire. The purpose of the fund is to support survivors to achieve or maintain safe and secure housing.
Who can apply for funding?
- People aged 18 years or above (unless there are exceptional circumstances where granting funding to a person under 18 years of age is deemed appropriate) who live in Buckinghamshire and who are experiencing current, or recent, domestic abuse
- People making an application do not need to be engaged with any agencies or services and do not need to provide proof of the abuse or their finances
- Applications can be made by individuals themselves or by agencies
What is funding given for?
There is no set list of what will be funded; applicants are encouraged to ask for whatever will make the most difference to their housing situation and their lives. Examples could include:
- Transport costs to a refuge / safe accommodation
- One off storage / moving costs
- Pay As You Go mobiles
- Overnight stay somewhere safe
- Support with clothing / equipment / food
- ID costs (e.g. obtaining a replacement birth certificate)
Requests for all types of goods and services and amounts of funding which help to access or maintain stable accommodation will be considered.
How to make an application
- Download the application here. If you need assistance please contact Wycombe Women’s Aid on 01494 461367.
- Return the completed form to [email protected]